SCAE World Cup Tasters Championship 2006
This was the website for the SCAE World Cup Tasters Championship that was held in 2006 in Berne Switzerland.
Content is from the site's 2006 archived pages.
I didn't know what to expect at a tasters championship. I am more an online casino tournament sort of guy. The last US Slots tournament I entered with a group of buddies netted me over a thousand dollars. And let's face it, with online slots and poker tournaments happening so frequently it's easy to enter and so convenient. All you need is a computer, an internet connection, and some money. It also helps to have a knowledgeable referral service to point you to the US slots that offer the best bonuses, free rolls, etc. I like this one. So when my girlfriend dragged me to the SCAE World Cup Tasters Championship since she had a friend competing, I was a fish out of water. Well, I like trying different coffees as I travel the world, but this tournament was unlike any I have experienced, yet it held a level of excitement and anticipation just like any other type of tournament. And then when you learn about the process to actually get to the tournament, it's impressive. And it turns out that coffee appreciation is a truly an international community of people stretching through every demographic border. I raise my cup of coffee to all the competitors.
WCTC Luca -Siermann | Stuttgart Germany
Who can participate?
The World Cup Tasters Championship is open only to winners of national championships or nominees by their national bodies. They have to be either a national of the country concerned or can prove at least two years residency in the country working as a barista. The National Competitions can only be organised by a SCAE endorsed body and to qualify for the world championships the national competition must be run in accordance with these rules. If there is no national competition participants must be nominated by their national bodies.
Entries must be notified to the SCAE by 28th April, 2006 through the national bodies to the World Contest Manager (Dr. Steffen Schwarz). They then receive a confirmation by the World Contest Manager.
Date and place
- The competition takes place
- Saturday, May 20th 2006
- 9am 12am
- Theatre / Hall 120
Date and placeThe competition takes place
Hall plan of ground floor / Hall 120 + stage details:
MiscellaneousA three-day exhibitors' badge is ready for all championship participants to be picked up at the check-in desk. RulesThe rules and procedures for the National Championships should be the same as for the World Championship. The competition as such is organised as a number of triangular tests. 3 cups are set up. 2 of which are identical. The aim of the competition is for the participant to identify the odd cup out. This can be achieved any way the competitor prefers. We are only testing the cupper’s ability to discriminate between coffees not to identify them. This is done because the ability to identify will depend on the tasters coffee cultural background. In the competition 8 triangular tests are set up and the competitor who singles out the most correct cups from the 8 sets, wins. If there is a tie where more than one competitor has the same score, then the one that completed the task in the shortest time wins. During the competition the cup tasters start off in pairs facing the audience.
All coffees should be medium roasted to the same degree and colour of roast, and ground identically. They should be prepared in a standard 1.8 litre good quality drip filter brewer with a brewing temperature between 92 to 96 degrees Celsius. The brewing cycle should be 4 to 6 minutes, and the temperature of the finished brew should be between 80 to 85 degrees when stored in a thermos flask. The brew strength should be 60 grams per. litre Celsius in thermo flasks. Standard tap water should be used providing it is of a good quality without any detectable taints. The jury should decide if it is necessary to use filtered or purified water. The size of each cup or glass used in the tests should be between 12.5 to 25 centilitres and the coffee volume presented to the contestants should be between 7.5 centilitres to 15 centilitres. The 8 sets of cups should be placed in front of the competitors at the same time. The sets should be identical, but should not be placed out in the same order for the two cuppers. Furthermore, each pair should have a different set up as this will avoid those who follow trying to cheat by following what a previous contestant chose. The cupper can use any sense to identify the odd cup. The cupper can use what is available on the table, and if preferred their own tasting spoon. Each pair of contestants will start the testing simultaneously after a signal from the head judge. The test is over when both competitors have stepped back from the table and signalled that their test is over or after a maximum of 8 minutes. The head judge will signal when half the time has elapsed, and thereafter each minute. The results should be controlled and registered by the competition jury of 2. The winner is the contestant that has the most correct number of cups pushed aside. In the event of a tie, the contestant who completed the test with the shortest time wins. If there are more than 8 contestants, then qualifying heats should be held with the aim of identifying the 8 best contestants who will then go on to compete in the quarterfinal. In the quarterfinal and onwards the winner from each individual pairs competition goes on to the next round. Before the final there should be competition between the two losing semi finalists in order to determine the third or bronze place position. The final is between the two winning semi finalists. Judges and personnel needed to run a competitionA minimum of 10 people are necessary to run a Cup Tasting Competition successfully. The group should comprise:
The Functions of the Head Judge
The head judge is the person who assumes overall responsibility for the event and in particular takes overall responsibility for the detailed planning that is required for the successful implementation of the competition. The functions of the Technical LeaderThe technical leader assumes overall responsibility for roasting, grinding, brewing and presentation of coffees to the right persons in the right order. The functions of the Arena LeaderThe arena leader assumes overall responsibility for setting up the arena according to the competition specifications and the requirements laid out in the sponsor’s contracts. The judgesThe judges will be responsible for ensuring that the correct set of cups is in front of each individual competitor and that they (the judges) are aware of the order for each contestant.
Judges and personnel in Berne 2006
Still Have Questions?
Can everybody paticipate?
The World Cup Tasters Championship (WCC) is open only to winners of national championships.
Exceptions can rarely be made: only where national championships can't be held before the WCC, participants must be nominated by their national coordinator or endorsed body. They themselves become endorsed through the endorsing body, the SCAE World Contest Manager.
Participants have to be either a national of the country concerned or can prove at least two years residency in the country working in the coffee .
National Competitions can only be organised by a SCAE endorsed body and to qualify for the world championships the national competition must be run in accordance with these rules.
Entries must be notified to the SCAE by 28th April, 2006 through the national bodies to the SCAE World Contest Manager (Dr. Steffen Schwarz). They then receive a confirmation by the SCAE World Contest Manager.
ENDORSING BODY | AASCA – Australasian Specialty Coffee Association | |
CONTACT PERSON | Rob Forsyth | |
PHONE | +61 2 9906 7388 | |
CHINA | | |
ENDORSING BODY | Shanghai CMP Sinexpo International Exhibition Co. Ltd | |
CONTACT PERSON | Fiona Tse | |
PHONE | + 86 21 64371178 | |
ENDORSING BODY | Speciality Coffee Association of India | |
CONTACT PERSON | Jacob Mammen | |
PHONE | + 91 80 22866268 | |
JAPAN | | |
ENDORSING BODY | Specialty Coffee Association of Japan | |
CONTACT PERSON | Noboru Ueno | |
PHONE | +81-3-5400-5506 | |
ENDORSING BODY | Specialty Coffee Association of Korea | |
PHONE | + 82 234 526 868 | |
ENDORSING BODY | AASCA (see Australia) | |
— | ||
PHONE | — | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE World Contest Manager | |
CONTACT PERSON | Cameron Stirling | |
PHONE | + 2 676 2244 | |
> | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Rüdiger Eggers | |
PHONE | +43 699 1200 5050 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE World Contest Manager | |
CONTACT PERSON | Manu Demets | |
— | ||
PHONE | — | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE Italian Chapter | |
— | ||
PHONE | — | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE World Contest Manager | |
CONTACT PERSON | Plamen Youroukov | |
PHONE | + 359 2 9250509 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Roberto Trevisan | |
PHONE | + 420 (0) 271 743 180 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Jaki Franja | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE Chapter Denmark | |
CONTACT PERSON | Jens Henrik Thomsen | |
PHONE | +45 39400184 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Silver Rits | |
PHONE | +372 651 8850 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Ms. Shelly Nyquist | |
PHONE | +358 40 5445800 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Gerard Meauxsoone | |
PHONE | + 33 3 2022 0500 | |
ENDORSING BODY | National Coordinator SCAE German Chapter | |
CONTACT PERSON | Dr. Steffen Schwarz | |
PHONE | + 49 621 - 7185808 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE World Contest Manager | |
CONTACT PERSON | Kalomira Gerantonaki | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Dr. Julius Morik | |
PHONE | +36 52 429 750 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | (Addy) Aðalheiður Héðinsdóttir | |
PHONE | +354 420 2700 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Joseph Smith | |
ENDORSING BODY | AVA Coffee & Tea | |
CONTACT PERSON | Michael Reiner in conjunction with Ilan's Coffee | |
PHONE | + 972 4 866 3113 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Patrizio Brusoni | |
PHONE | +39 040 366606 | |
ENDORSING BODY | Jens Henrik Thomsen in conjunction with EAFCA | |
CONTACT PERSON | Kimberly Smith Smith Business Association Development Specialist Marketing and Trade Promotion Regional Agricultural Trade Expansion Support (RATES) |
PHONE | Tel: (25420) 4212000 Cell: (254) 733 333767 |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE World Contest Manager | |
CONTACT PERSON | Anthony Maalouf | |
PHONE | + 961 197 0888 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE World Contest Manager | |
CONTACT PERSON | Felix Miny | |
PHONE | + 352 483333 332 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Paul van der Hulst | |
PHONE | +31 26 362 24 22 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE Norway Chapter | |
CONTACT PERSON | Kristin H. R. Nielsen | |
PHONE | ||
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Agnieszka Brandys | |
PHONE | +48 22 781 7693 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Percy Garcon | |
PHONE | +402 1 236 0271 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Konstantin Voevodkin | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE World Contest Manager | |
— | ||
PHONE | — | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE World Contest Manager | |
CONTACT PERSON | Peter Krivosudsky | |
PHONE | 00421 2 44 63 25 34 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Franco Bazzara | |
PHONE | — | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Josep Rovira | |
PHONE | +34 933103833 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Jan Hartman | |
PHONE | 08-611 65 31 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Samuel Zenger | |
PHONE | + 41 31 380 5555 | |
CONTACT PERSON | Sergyy Reminnyy | |
PHONE | — | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE UK National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Steve Penk | |
PHONE | +44 (0) 1246 454400 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE World Contest Manager | |
CONTACT PERSON | Zoran Milocanovic | |
— | ||
PHONE | +381 11 30 40 300 | |
ENDORSING BODY | ASACAFE-Asociacion Argentina de Cafes Especiales | |
CONTACT PERSON | Harold Darnauchans | |
PHONE | 005 982 706 5605 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Lucas do Prado Soares | |
CANADA | | |
ENDORSING BODY | Canadian Coffee & Tea Expo | |
CONTACT PERSON | Vida Radovanovic | |
PHONE | +41 6 784 5210 | |
ENDORSING BODY | Speciality Coffee Association of Costa Rica | |
CONTACT PERSON | Noelia Villalobos | |
PHONE | +506 296 3587 | |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAE National Coordinator | |
CONTACT PERSON | Terese De Batres | |
PHONE | +503 264 3431 | |
CONTACT PERSON | Mr. Arturo Hernandez Fujigaki | |
ENDORSING BODY | Anacafe | |
CONTACT PERSON | Liz Rodgriquez | |
PHONE | + (502) 2337-3940 ext. 407 | |
ENDORSING BODY | Asociación de Baristas de Puerto Rico, Inc. | |
CONTACT PERSON | Eng. Germán L. Negrón | |
PHONE | 787-644-7370 787-344-2196 |
ENDORSING BODY | SCAA Specialty Coffee Association of America | |
CONTACT PERSON | Michelle Campbell | |
PHONE | + 1 562 624 4100 |
Results of the 3rd SCAE World Cup Tasters Championship 2006 in Berne, Switzerland / May 20th:
1st place
PARTICIPANT | Gloria Pedroza | ||||
AGE | 30 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Guatemalan | ||||
CITY | Zug | ||||
2nd place
PARTICIPANT | Hirokazu Hamasaki | ||||
AGE | 31 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Japanese | ||||
CITY | Takatsuki | ||||
3rd place
PARTICIPANT | Christian Schaps | ||||
AGE | 38 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Guatemalan | ||||
CITY | Guatemala | ||||
4th place
PARTICIPANT | Njall Bjorgvinsson | ||||
AGE | 26 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Icelandic | ||||
CITY | Reykjavik | ||||
5th place
PARTICIPANT | Rasmus Helgebostad | ||||
AGE | 25 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Norwegian | ||||
CITY | Bergen | ||||
6th place
PARTICIPANT | Mena | ||||
AGE | ... | ||||
NATIONALITY | ... | ||||
CITY | ... | ||||
... | |||||
7th place
PARTICIPANT | Touri | ||||
AGE | ... | ||||
NATIONALITY | ... | ||||
CITY | ... | ||||
... | |||||
8th place
PARTICIPANT | Emma Markland-Webster | ||||
AGE | 33 | ||||
NATIONALITY | British | ||||
CITY | Nelson | ||||
9th place
PARTICIPANT | Steven Hearst | ||||
AGE | ... | ||||
NATIONALITY | ... | ||||
CITY | ... | ||||
... | |||||
10th place
PARTICIPANT | Carrington | ||||
AGE | ... | ||||
NATIONALITY | ... | ||||
CITY | ... | ||||
... | |||||
11th place
PARTICIPANT | Arthur Wynne | ||||
AGE | 30 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Australian | ||||
CITY | Dublin | ||||
12th place
PARTICIPANT | Katrin Hoenig | ||||
AGE | 37 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Austrian | ||||
CITY | Lichtenwoerth | ||||
13th place
PARTICIPANT | Evgeniya Yurievna Logvinova | ||||
AGE | 38 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Russian | ||||
CITY | Vladivostok | ||||
14th place
PARTICIPANT | Nikos Psomas | ||||
AGE | 32 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Greek | ||||
CITY | Athens | ||||
15th place
PARTICIPANT | Fulvia Pamfili | ||||
AGE | ... | ||||
NATIONALITY | Italian | ||||
CITY | Trieste | ||||
16th place
PARTICIPANT | Robert Forsyth | ||||
AGE | 50 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Australian | ||||
CITY | Naremburn | ||||
17th place
PARTICIPANT | Nestor | ||||
AGE | ... | ||||
NATIONALITY | ... | ||||
CITY | ... | ||||
... | |||||
18th place
PARTICIPANT | Raimond Feil | ||||
AGE | 26 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Estonian | ||||
CITY | Tallinn | ||||
19th place
PARTICIPANT | Alfons Schramer | ||||
AGE | ... | ||||
NATIONALITY | German | ||||
CITY | Irrel | ||||
20th place
PARTICIPANT | Joe Hayek | ||||
AGE | 27 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Lebanese | ||||
CITY | Beirut | ||||
21st place
PARTICIPANT | Joakim Hjulström | ||||
AGE | 25 | ||||
NATIONALITY | Swedish | ||||
CITY | Gothenburg | ||||